Ryk Eksteen CA
Managing Director & Audit Director
ASIC Registered Company Auditor &
VLSB Approved External Examiner
Ryk is the managing director of our Company. He is a Chartered Accountant with more than 28 years’ experience advising privately owned businesses and their owners and specialises in the areas of audit and business advisory. Ryk has extensive experience advising and auditing for-profit and not-for-profit organisations, including assisting with compliance requirements and best practice governance.
His approach places an emphasis on understanding the client’s objectives, systems, risk exposure, accounting policies and governance issues and he has undertaken:
- Audits of unlisted public companies;
- Audits of not for profit organisations;
- Reviews of internal controls & accounting systems;
- Forensic accounting & fraud investigations; and
- Audits of large privately owned companies & foreign owned Australian subsidiaries.
Industry Expertise
Throughout his career, Ryk has gained significant experience advising clients in the following industries, with client turnovers varying between $5 million and $250 million:
- Import/Wholesale/Retail;
- Engineering;
- Manufacturing & Construction;
- Transport & Travel, including the bus & coach industry;
- Auxiliary providers to the resource industry; and
- Not for profits.
Professional Memberships and Associations
- Registered Company Auditor
- Registered SMSF Auditor
- Approved External Examiner for the Legal Services Board
- Bachelor of Accounting and Honours Degree in Accounting
- Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia (ICAA)
- Former member of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA)
- Holder of a Certificate of Public Practice from the ICAA
Syed Abid CPA
Senior Auditor
Syed is a Senior Auditor of our company, a qualified CPA, and specialises in the areas of external and internal audit and has extensive experience auditing for profit and not-for-profit Organisations, including dealing with their compliance requirements. He holds a Voluntary position of Advisor to the governing board of Youth Advocacy Network – Pakistan (YAN) since January 2014. Before immigrating to Australia, he held a voluntary position of Governing Board Member of YAN from July 2010 to December 2013.
Syed has undertaken the following engagements within audit and assurance services:
- Audits of listed and unlisted companies;
- Audits of not-for-profit organisations;
- Audits of public sector entities such as councils and hospitals;
- Reviews of internal controls and accounting systems; and
- Audits of large privately-owned companies.
Industry Expertise
Throughout his career, Syed has gained a variety of experience of not-for-profit clients with their external audit and compliance requirement, completing audits of incorporated associations, education and training organisations, community centres, charities and companies limited by guarantee. These not-for-profit entities have included community organisations, philanthropic foundations, and emergency services units. Syed has performed internal audits for hospitals, health networks, state government organisations and catchment management authorities on topics such as emergency management, risk management, asset management accountability framework, procurement practices and Legal and regulatory compliance.
He has performed external and internal audits and project acquittals for listed and unlisted for-profit clients across several industries, including:
- Health;
- Local government;
- Manufacturing; and
- Education and Training.
Professional Qualification
- Member of CPA Australia
- Master of Commerce (Professional Accounting)
- Master of Public Administration
- Alumnus of New and Emerging Communities Leadership Program by Leadership Victoria

Rizwan Ahmed
Rizwan specialises in external and internal audit areas and has extensive experience auditing for-profit and not-for-profit organisations, including dealing with their compliance requirements.
Rizwan has undertaken the following engagements within audit and assurance services:
- Audits of ASX, LSE, AIM, Luxemburg listed companies;
- Audits of not-for-profit organisations;
- Audits of public sector entities such as transport and housing departments;
- Audits of investment funds, banks and superannuation funds; and
- Reviews of internal controls and accounting systems.
Industry Expertise
Throughout his career, Rizwan has gained a variety of clients’ experience with their external audit and compliance requirements, completing audits of investment funds, mining, public sector transport organisations, land and housing departments, hotels, housing finance providers, shipping ports. In addition, Rizwan has performed internal audits for banks, real estate, state government organisations and print media on topics such as GAP analysis, risk management, derivative internal controls, and agreed-upon procedures.
He has performed external and internal audits and project acquittals for listed and unlisted for-profit clients across several industries, including:
- Mining;
- Local government;
- Education and Training;
- Asset Management and Alternative Investments;
- Banks; and
- Superannuation.
Professional Qualification
- BSc (Accounting); B. Com and Master of Arts (Economics)
- ACCA qualified